Docker Golang Hot-Reload
This repo contains Dockerfile
for image containing Go v1.9.2 and Fresh reloader. It is relased on Docker Hub
Below example assumes you run the image in your project’s location
#my-project is your project's location
#below container run does the following
#rm - makes sure that once you stop the container it is immediately removed
#v - mounts your current directory into a container under proper location needed for Go
#w - sets working directory inside container to the one you mounted in your project. This is necessary, Go magic
#p - exposes port 3000 from inside to 3000 outside
docker run --rm \
-v $(PWD):$PROJECT \
-p 3000:3000 \
Vendor directory case
Fresh is awesome, but every tool has some limits. For Fresh it is vendor
directory with your dependencies. You need to exclude it by putting below config file (runner.conf
) in the root of your project:
root: .
tmp_path: ./tmp
build_name: runner-build
build_log: runner-build-errors.log
valid_ext: .go
no_rebuild_ext: .tpl, .tmpl, .html
ignored: vendor
build_delay: 600
colors: 1
log_color_main: cyan
log_color_build: yellow
log_color_runner: green
log_color_watcher: magenta
Image publishing
docker login
docker build -t docker-golang-hot-reload .
docker tag docker-golang-hot-reload derberg/docker-golang-hot-reload:1.0
docker push derberg/docker-golang-hot-reload:1.0